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Membership Benefits

The PAO moved to new association management on January 1, 2020 and we are energized to provide more member benefits than ever.  PAO paid members are receiving:

·         Money-saving discounts on OMIC ophthalmic insurance; negotiating power with 3rd-party payers, including         Medicare’s CAC.

·         Up-to-date information for your medical practice from newsletters, annual meetings, email blasts, Facebook, Twitter

·         Technical and billing information for Telemedicine

·         Educational programs like CodeQuest and CME conferences with discounted fee for members.

·         Practice Administrator’s groups,  Young Ophthalmologist Zoom meetings & forums.

·         Mentoring Program to engage young physicians and established ophthalmologists matched by sub-specialty, practice size or academic professionals.

·         Sunday "Cocktails & Conversations" Zoom meetings for casual discussions and sharing ideas.

·         Researching questions/finding resources that busy practices just don’t have time for.

·         ADVOCACY – Your voice in Harrisburg on issues that impact your profession.  Grassroots instructions and assistance to encourage to actively participate on the    state level.

Our 2020 focus continues to be supporting our members with information on the COVID19 pandemic and the ever- changing guidelines for the CARES Act, HHS, CDC and our PA Dept. of Health and preserving patient safety. 

Our Academy serves a valuable purpose to our professional members and we need your membership,  your expertise  and your support as a colleague in Pennsylvania.

You may complete the membership application online (and pay membership dues) at the PA Academy of Ophthalmology website:  paeyemds.org    Full Active membership dues are $545 annually.  Physicians in their 1st and 2nd years of practice are offered a reduced membership fee of $290.  All Pennsylvania residents, fellows and retired ophthalmologists are offered a complimentary membership, renewable annually.

We look forward to welcoming you to your state association, the Pennsylvania Academy of Ophthalmology.

Pennsylvania Academy of Ophthalmology.  All Rights Reserved.
PO Box 88  | Harrisburg, PA 17108
Phone: (717) 829-8412  | Info@paeyemds.org
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